
The Oddballs arrived!

Not going to lie… it was nerve racking.  Launching the Oddball Tails shop has been on my mind for a few years and making it a reality has been absorbing ALOT of my time for at least the last year… not really knowing if I would have the guts to do it.  But it happened and I could not be happier.

And there is still more to come! I will continue to release products in the lead up to Christmas.  And a new product line will hopefully be launched next year. I’m still doing testings (and hopefully will nail it soon!) so for now it remains a secret! 😉

Thanks for all your support and if you have ANY feedback (good or bad) please throw it my way!  .

Angie xoxo

Oddballs coming soon in 2018

The Oddball Tails shop has been in the works for a long while friends! And it is almost here… phew!

My Oddballs (otherwise know as Pet Art with quirk) are in the process of getting ready for their new homes, but in the meantime sign-up to the newsletter and you will be the first in the know when the opening festivities begin.

Via the newsletter I will let you know when I begin the opening promotions (lots of oddball goodies will be up for grabs!), start the new Instagram account and when the new oddballs are ready for their new homes. 

Also as I continue to make new oddball pet artworks, I will use the newsletter to make model callouts and your pet could become one of my oddball stars!

lots of furry head rubs

Angie xx